New Hampshire Astronomical Society
The New Hampshire Astronomical Society is a wholly volunteer New Hampshire chartered non-profit
educational organization dedicated to furthering public awareness of Astronomy. This is accomplished
via public observing sessions, demonstrations, astronomical slide shows, discussions, and talks.
NHAS provides these services on request and free of charge to any organization, including schools,
libraries, clubs, etc.
Regular monthly events include a "Skywatch" open to the public at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery
Center in Concord, NH and club meetings at which club business is transacted, followed by a presentation
on a specific aspect of astronomy.
NHAS also sponsors regular events open to members and guests including a mid-Winter all-night observing
session at our observatory in Hillsborough, NH; the annual Messier Marathon held in the Spring; promotion
of International Astronomy Day events held for the public in May; mid-Summer all-night observing sessions
at the Society's Hillsborough observatory; and our late-Summer trip to Springfield, Vermont for the annual
Stellafane meeting of amateur telescope makers and astronomers.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Astronomy. The club can be a great source of learning
for general astronomy, astrophotography, telescope making, and many other topics. Many of our members
are very knowledgeable in optics, telescope building, CCD imaging, astrophotography, observing
techniques, observatory construction, and cosmology. One need not own a telescope to join; "scoping out"
equipment owned by the club and its members is an excellent way to determine what might be the best
equipment for you.
Annual dues are currently just $30 and entitle a member to our monthly newsletter, access to the club
observatory, and substantial discounts on
Sky and Telescope and
Astronomy magazines.
The special membership rate for students is only $15 per year.
©2025 New Hampshire Astronomical Society • P.O. Box 5823 • Manchester, NH 03108-5823